Time for… transformation.

No matter your age or skin type, there’s an Obagi® for everyone. But your skin care routine, like your skin itself, is yours alone. Obagi Medical products work by changing the way the skin functions at a cellular level, delivering unparalleled results by creating transformational changes in skin function at a cellular level to rejuvenate the skin and correct the signs of ageing. Genuine Obagi products are available only through doctors and other skin care professionals.

The Obagi System has a range of topical treatments developed to address a variety of skin concerns. Professor MacKenzie can help you find Obagi products targeted to your specific skin issues. Several of the Obagi products are prescription only.

The Obagi treatment systems focus on the treatment of sun damage, dull skin, fine lines, acne and pigmentation, creating a balanced skin tone, increasing the skin’s ability to generate moisture, modulating oil production and increasing the skin’s tolerance. The results achieved by patients all over the world, have propelled Obagi Medical to become one of the most recognised and trustworthy global skincare brands.